References (working list)

    Wolfberg, P. & Dunn Buron, K.B. (Eds.). (2024) Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing educators and related practitioners (3rd edition) NY: Routledge Publishers (*Recipient of 2009 Literary Award for 1st edition, Autism Society of America)

    Wolfberg, P.J. (forthcoming - 2024) Peer play and the autism spectrum: The art of guiding children’s socialization and imagination. Newly updated Integrated Play Groups Field Manual, Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
    Wolfberg, P.J. (2019) Lernen von Spiel und Beziehungen zu Gleichaltrigen: Integrierte Spielgruppen. In V. Bernard-Optiz (Buchreihen) Autismus konkret: Lern- und Therapiemethoden in der Praxis, Stuttgart, Deutschland: Kohlhammer (Translation:Learning to play and socialize with peers: Integrated Play Groups. In V. Bernard-Optiz (book series) Autism Concrete: Learning and Therapy in Practice), Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer) GERMAN ONLY

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2017). Play and imagination in children with autism (2nd Edition) New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University. CHINESE TRANSLATION

    Dunn Buron, K. & Wolfberg, P.J. (Eds.). (2014) Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators and related practitioners (2nd edition). Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Company.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2010). Peer play and the autism spectrum: The art of guiding children’s socialization and imagination (Integrated Play Groups Field Manual) Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Company. CHINESE TRANSLATION

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2009). Play and imagination in children with autism (2nd Edition) New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

    McCracken, H. (2006) That’s what’s different about me: Friend 2 Friend Social Learning model. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Company.

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    Wolfberg, P.J. (1999). Play and imagination in children with autism. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

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    Wolfberg, P., & Woods, G.L. (2023). Re-imagining autistic children’s independent and social play with peers, Special issue: Interpersonal World of Autism, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 43 (3), 215-231, DOI: 10.1080/07351690.2023.2185067

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    Bottema-Beutel, K., & Wolfberg, P.J. (2007). Peer play and the exceptional child. Exceptional Family, 3. 15-17.

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    McCracken, H. & Wolfberg, P.J. (2006) Autism awareness programs: Demystify, not identify. Autism-Asperger’s Digest. 5, 42-47 (follow-up to Friend 2 Friend: Fostering Mutual Friendships for Children with ASD in 2005 issue, Vol, 1, 6-9).

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    Wolfberg, P.J. (2003). Integrierte-spielgruppen: Förderung kommunikation und sozialen fähigkeiten bei autistichen Kindern. Forum Logopaedie (Translation: Integrated Play Groups: Promoting communication and social skills in autistic children, Journal for Speech and Language Association of Germany) GERMAN ONLY

    Yang, T., Wolfberg, P.J., Wu, S, & Hwu, P. (2003). Supporting children on the autism spectrum in peer play at home and school: Piloting the Integrated Play Groups model in Taiwan. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice. 7 (4) 437-453.

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    Wolfberg, P., McCracken, H., & Phillips, T. (2024). Play, friendships and autism: Co-creating a culture of inclusion with peers. In Wolfberg & Dunn Buron (Eds) Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing educators and related practitioners (3rd edition). NY: Routledge Publishers.

    Wolfberg, P., & Dunn Buron (2024). Perspectives on evidence-based practice and autism: Tenets of competent, humanistic and meaningful support. In Wolfberg & Dunn Buron (Eds) Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing educators and related practitioners (3rd edition). NY: Routledge Publishers.

    Balasubramian, L., Blum, A., & Wolfberg, P.  (2019). Building on Early Foundations into School: Fostering Socialization in Meaningful Socio-Cultural Contexts, In R. Jordan, L. Robert, J., & K. Hume (Eds) Autism and Education: International Handbook, London, U.K., Sage Publications.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2016a). Integrated Play Groups for children on the autism spectrum. In C.E. Schaefer & H. Kaduson (Eds.) Short-term play therapy for children (Third Edition) Guilford Publishers.

    Wolfberg, P.J., (2016b). Integrated Play Groups: Supporting children with autism in essential play experiences with typical peers. In L. Reddy, C. Schaefer, & L. File-Hall (Eds), Empirically-based play interventions for children (Second Edition) American Psychological Association.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2015). Integrated Play Groups for children on the autism spectrum. In C.E. Schaefer & H. Kaduson (Eds.) Short-term play therapy for children (Third Edition) Guilford Publishers.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2015). Play's role and meaning in the lives of children with autism. In D. Fromberg & D. Bergin (Eds) Play from birth to twelve: Contexts, perspectives, and meanings (Third Edition). Routledge.

    Wolfberg, P.J. & Buron, K. (2014). Perspectives on evidence based practice and autism spectrum disorder: Tenets of competent, humanistic and meaningful support. In K.D. Buron & P.J. Wolfberg, (Eds.).Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators and related practitioners (2nd edition). Shawnee Mission, KS: AAPC.

    Wolfberg, P.J., McCracken, H. & Tuchel (2014). Fostering play, imagination and friendships with peers: Creating a culture of social inclusion (p. 174 – 201). In K.D. Buron & P.J. Wolfberg, (Eds.). Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators and related practitioners (2nd edition). Shawnee Mission, KS: AAPC.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2012). Integrated Play Groups® (IPG) model (2nd edition). In Lyons & Freilch (Eds.) Cutting-edge therapies for autism. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing Company

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2011). Die Bedeutung des Spiels fuer Peer-Beziehungen und soziale Inklusion in paedagogischen Einrichtungen fuer Klein- und Vorschulkinder (2nd edition). In B. Ytterhus & M. Kreuzer (Eds.) „Dabei sein ist nicht alles“ – Soziale Inklusion und Marginalisie-rung in integrativen Gruppen des Kindergartens – Eine Anthologie. International Buchprojeket, Universität Trondheim mit Hochschule Niederrhein.(Translation: The meaning of play for peer relations and social inclusion in pedagogical settings for young children (second edition). In B. Ytterhus & M. Kreuzer (Eds.) Being nearby isn’t everything – Social inclusion and marginalization in integrated groups within early childhood settings – An Anthology. International Book Project, University of Trondheim with Niederrhein College) GERMAN ONLY

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2011). Integrated Play Groups (IPG) model. In Lyons & Freilch (Eds.) Cutting-edge therapies for autism. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing Company

    Neufeld, D. & Wolfberg, P.J. (2010). From novice to expert: Guiding children on the autism spectrum in Integrated Play Groups. In Schaefer, C. (Ed.) Play therapy for preschool children. Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2008). Die Bedeutung des Spiels fuer Peer-Beziehungen und soziale Inklusion in paedagogischen Einrichtungen fuer Klein- und Vorschulkinder (1st edition). In B. Ytterhus & M. Kreuzer (Eds.) „Dabei sein ist nicht alles“ – Soziale Inklusion und Marginalisie-rung in integrativen Gruppen des Kindergartens – Eine Anthologie. International Buchprojeket, Universität Trondheim mit Hochschule Niederrhein. (Translation: The meaning of play for peer relations and social inclusion in pedagogical settings for young children (second edition). In B. Ytterhus & M. Kreuzer (Eds.) Being nearby isn’t everything – Social inclusion and marginalization in integrated groups within early childhood settings – An Anthology. International Book Project, University of Trondheim with Niederrhein College) GERMAN ONLY

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2008). Including children with autism in the culture of play with peers. In C. Forlin & J M-G Lion (Eds). Reforms, Inclusion and Teacher Education: Towards a New Era of Special Education in Asia-Pacific Regions. Center for Advancement in Special Education, Hong Kong University.

    Wolfberg, P.J., McCracken, H., & Tuchel, T. (2008). Fostering peer play and friendships: Creating a culture of inclusion (p. 182-207). In K. Buron & P.J. Wolfberg (Eds.). Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators (1st Edition). Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Company.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2007). Essays on play oriented therapies, Integrated Play Groups model, social play, symbolic play, spontaneous play, and imagination. In B. Myles, T. Cooper Swanson, J. Holverstott (Eds.) Autism spectrum disorders: A handbook for parents and professionals. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.

    Wolfberg, P.J. & Schuler, A.L. (2006). Promoting social reciprocity and symbolic representation in children with ASD: Designing quality peer play interventions (p. 180 – 219). In T. Charman & W. Stone (Eds.). Early social communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders. NY: Guilford Publications.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (2005). Definitions for imagination, Integrated Play Groups (IPG) model, spontaneous play, social play and symbolic play. In J. Neisworth & P.S. Wolfe (Eds). The Autism Encyclopedia. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

    Odom, S.L., Zercher, C., Marquart, J., Li, S., Sandall, S., & Wolfberg, P.J. (2001). Social relationships of children with disabilities and their peers in inclusive preschool classrooms. In S.L. Odom (Ed.), Widening the circle: Including children with disabilities in preschool programs. (p. 61-80) New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

    Schuler, A.L. & Wolfberg, P.J. (2000). Promoting peer socialization and play: The art of scaffolding. In B. Prizant & A. Wetherby (Eds.) Language issues in autism and pervasive developmental disorder: A transactional developmental perspective. (p. 225-227) Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

    Wolfberg, P.J. (1995). Enhancing children's play. In K.A. Quill (Ed.) Teaching children with autism: Strategies to enhance communication and socialization. New York: Delmar Publishers Inc.

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Social inclusion, play and creative expression are universal human rights